What customers say about this company
4251 Opinions found
Felix Y. C.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 17-01-2022 at 12:46
10 / 10
"Correcto. trato agradable. cumple plazo.seriedad."
Employees treated:
Antonio M. G. P.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 16-01-2022 at 20:53
10 / 10
Employees treated:
Antonia M. R. C.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 16-01-2022 at 20:47
8 / 10
"Todo perfecto, tal como debe ser."
Employees treated:
Amaya C.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 16-01-2022 at 19:47
6 / 10
"El coche de sustitucion se podria mejorar"
Employees treated:
Plateros V. Y. M. S.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 16-01-2022 at 12:45
10 / 10
Almudena S. D.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 16-01-2022 at 08:42
10 / 10
"problema solucionado"
ya tengo coche sustitución y estoy a la espera piezas para arreglo de mi choche. gracias...(More ↓) (Less ↑)
This opinion has been edited by the client after conciliation process (See first opinion)
2 over 10
No tengo coche sustitución : Mi coche esta imutilizado en el taller y no tengo coche sustitución. Avería el 24 diciembre y aun esperando respuesta del perito de la garantía.
Eduardo V. F.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 15-01-2022 at 21:13
10 / 10
Employees treated:
Francisco M. B. B.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 15-01-2022 at 11:59
8 / 10
Jose M. I.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 15-01-2022 at 11:38
10 / 10
"Excelente y muy cordial"
Employees treated:
Manuel G. R.
Reason for visit: N/A
Rated on 14-01-2022 at 19:45
10 / 10
Ester S. R. M.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 14-01-2022 at 10:46
8 / 10
Jose L. C. O.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 14-01-2022 at 00:48
10 / 10
Javier S. G.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 13-01-2022 at 11:13
10 / 10
"Todas las revisiones y visitas el trato muy bueno"
Employees treated:
Diego G. O.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 12-01-2022 at 22:52
8 / 10
"Todo claro y sin contratiempos."
Employees treated:
Isabel G. G. D. L. C.
Reason for visit: N/A
Rated on 12-01-2022 at 22:26
10 / 10
Pedro M. M. B.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 12-01-2022 at 20:48
10 / 10
"Todo bien"
Employees treated:
Salvador L. M. P.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 12-01-2022 at 20:32
10 / 10
"Trato perfecto por parte de antonio, de 10 y mas rápido imposible "
Employees treated:
Jose M. P. S.
Reason for visit: N/A
Rated on 12-01-2022 at 12:07
10 / 10
Juan M. C. G.
Reason for visit: Taller
Rated on 12-01-2022 at 09:42
4 / 10
"La opinión sobre la causa de la avería me deja con incertidumbre "
La explicación que se me da como causa de la rotura del ramal de amortiguación es que un golpe hubiera sido el causante de la misma. Externamente el vehículo no presenta ...(More ↓) signos de golpes alguno y no he sido consciente de esa posibilidad. Y si hubiera sido así , que seguridad me da que no se vuelva a romper el mismo. No me quejo del concesionario , si de la marca. (Less ↑)
Employees treated:
Felix C. O.
Reason for visit: N/A
Rated on 11-01-2022 at 12:48
4 / 10
"Mala atención al cliente."
In Trikomer, only real customers who have been in this establishment in the last 12 months can value, whether it has been to receive a service or have bought a product.
If you are or have been a client, request your invitation now to be able to exercise your right to comment on your experience and value the services received.